
public interface BrowserSettings

The settings of the browser.


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public abstract void allowJavaScriptAccessClipboard()
Allows JavaScript to write to the clipboard using document.execCommand('copy') without the user activation.
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public abstract void allowJavaScriptAccessCookies()
Allows JavaScript code on the web pages loaded in the browser to read/write cookies in the cookies storage using the document.cookie property.
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public abstract void allowLoadingImagesAutomatically()
Allows loading images automatically on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract void allowRunningInsecureContent()
Allows running an insecure content in the browser.
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public abstract void allowScriptsToCloseWindows()
Allows JavaScript code on the web pages loaded in the browser to close the browser.
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public abstract Browser browser()
Returns the Browser instance configured by this settings.
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public abstract Color defaultBackgroundColor()
Returns the default background color of the web pages loaded in the browser instance associated with these settings.
public abstract void defaultBackgroundColor(Color color)
Sets the default background color of the web pages loaded in the browser instance associated with these settings.
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public abstract String defaultEncoding()
Returns a string that represents the default text encoding.
public abstract void defaultEncoding(String defaultEncoding)
Updates the default text encoding with the given value.
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Returns the default font size in pixels of the web content in the browser.
public abstract void defaultFontSize(FontSizeInPixels fontSize)
Sets the default font size of the web content in the browser.
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public abstract void disableImages()
Disables images displaying on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract void disableJavaScript()
Disables JavaScript on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract void disableLocalStorage()
Disables the local storage in the browser.
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public abstract void disableOverscrollHistoryNavigation()
Disallows back/forward navigation with a left/right swipe.
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public abstract void disablePlugins()
Disables all plugins on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract void disableTransparentBackground()
Disables transparent background on the web pages and makes it opaque.
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public abstract void disallowJavaScriptAccessClipboard()
Disallows JavaScript to write to the clipboard using document.execCommand('copy') without the user activation.
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public abstract void disallowJavaScriptAccessCookies()
Disallows JavaScript code on the web pages loaded in the browser to read/write cookies in the cookies storage using the document.cookie property.
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public abstract void disallowLoadingImagesAutomatically()
Disallows loading images automatically on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract void disallowRunningInsecureContent()
Disallows running an insecure content in the browser.
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public abstract void disallowScriptsToCloseWindows()
Disallows JavaScript code on the web pages loaded in the browser to close the browser.
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public abstract DisplayMode displayMode()
Returns the display-mode CSS media feature for the browser.
public abstract void displayMode(DisplayMode displayMode)
Overrides the display-mode CSS media feature for the browser with the given one.
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public abstract void enableImages()
Enables images displaying on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract void enableJavaScript()
Enables JavaScript on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract void enableLocalStorage()
Enables the local storage in the browser.
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public abstract void enableOverscrollHistoryNavigation()
Allows back/forward navigation with a left/right swipe.
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public abstract void enablePlugins()
Enables all plugins on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract void enableTransparentBackground()
Enables transparent background on the web pages.
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public abstract void hideScrollbars()
Hides the scrollbars on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract boolean isAllowJavaScriptAccessClipboard()
Indicates whether JavaScript code is permitted to write to the clipboard using document.execCommand('copy') without the user activation.
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public abstract boolean isAllowJavaScriptAccessCookies()
Indicates whether JavaScript code is allowed to read/write cookies in the browser cookies storage.
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public abstract boolean isAllowLoadingImagesAutomatically()
Indicates whether images are allowed to be loaded automatically on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract boolean isAllowRunningInsecureContent()
Indicates whether an insecure content can run in the browser.
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public abstract boolean isAllowScriptsToCloseWindows()
Indicates whether JavaScript code on the web pages loaded in the browser can close the browser.
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public abstract boolean isImagesEnabled()
Indicates whether images are displayed on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract boolean isJavaScriptEnabled()
Indicates whether JavaScript on the web pages loaded in the browser is enabled.
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public abstract boolean isLocalStorageEnabled()
Indicates whether the local storage in the browser is enabled.
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public abstract boolean isOverscrollHistoryNavigationEnabled()
Indicates whether the browser can navigate back/forward with a left/right swipe on a devices with touch screen.
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public abstract boolean isPluginsEnabled()
Indicates whether plugins are enabled on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract boolean isTransparentBackgroundEnabled()
Returns true when the transparent background on the web pages is enabled.
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public abstract boolean scrollbarsHidden()
Indicates whether scrollbars on a web page loaded in the browser are hidden.
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public abstract void showScrollbars()
Shows the scrollbars on the web pages loaded in the browser.
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public abstract WebRtcIpHandlingPolicy webRtcIpHandlingPolicy()
Returns the WebRTC IP handling policy for the browser.
public abstract void webRtcIpHandlingPolicy(WebRtcIpHandlingPolicy policy)
Updates the WebRTC IP handling policy for the browser with the given one.